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Mary Fernandez

Great speech!

FRaud Thompson

Rudy actually gets knighted by Queen Elizabeth II and was presented the Ronald Reagan Presidential Freedom Award by former first lady Nancy Reagan.

Meanwhile Fred is staging phot-ops to make himself appear more Reganesque.

You cant make this kind of stuff up. FRaud just wont quit play acting. Its comedy. :)

Mark Spiro

RE: FRaud Thompsons comments- agreed


Left wingers are all atwitter with excitment about Fred Thompson. I guess if they thought him not a threat to a Democrat, then they would boost his (potential) candidacy. Instead, they are taking potshots. It looks like they're running scared and he's not even declared to be a candidate yet. A good sign.


I guess Thompson is the Republican most likely to mobilise the party base, not being as pro-immigration as McCain, not as socially liberal as Giuliani (in fact it's fair to say he's not a social liberal at all, though he is a ladies' man), and not being a Mormon like Romney. Mobilising the Republican base seems to be the key to Republican victory these days; if Bloomberg hoovers up the moderate Democrats I can't see Thompson losing - incredible, given how unpopular the Republicans are with the American people over the Iraq war.

The Democrats seem to have a genius for picking hopeless candidates, when a tough-guy, patriotic, consistently anti-war Democrat like Jim Webb could walk it.


Well Webb isn't without significant problems, but he could be the man.

What's also incredible is the 19% low approval rating for the Republican controlled Congress a year ago has sunk to an all time low 14% approval with the Democrats, after their riding the 'wave of discontent for change' into power.

But, there could be exciting news on the horizon! Ralph Nadar has called Hillary a "coward" and is again considering a run for the oval office. Indeed its the American way. As Glenn Reynolds suggests: Bloomberg/Nader 2008!

Simon Newman

"What's also incredible is the 19% low approval rating for the Republican controlled Congress a year ago has sunk to an all time low 14% approval with the Democrats, after their riding the 'wave of discontent for change' into power."

Presumably most people who voted Democrat in 2006 (including a lot of conservatives) expected them to cut funding to the Iraq war, indeed had that as an overwheming priority. Since they chickened out on that, there seems no reason anyone would think well of them.


Well who really knows Simon. As an American I know there are many reasons... and it may be for the most part only the hard Left who would vote a Republican out and Dem in only because of the war, in spite of a general consensus its not going well. 69% of our public believe our military is the most trustworthy institution and a majority of voters, from what I read, didn't want us to cut and run. Pro-Iraq war Lieberman won big time running as an Independent because of the radical intolerance of the anti-war Left within the Dem party base. He clobbered his Dem opponent. I don't think most like it when Nancy Pelocie exerts her own foreign policy going over to the Middle East having a pleasant time with Bashar al-Assad. I don't think the blatant hypocrisy with the Dems claiming to "clean up" and be more transparent only to, possibly be even more protective and secretive. And folks want more fiscal responsibility on spending but again, the Dems are not obliging, on the contrary. I could go on because reasons, real reasons are many. For sure, there's a lot of discontent and out right despising of Republicans. I think where that hurts the most is within their registered voter base... basically because those in office are losing touch, turning away from conservative values.

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