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Malcolm Dunn

As you say a very bad night for certain pollsters. I'd always been told that American polling orginations were the best in the world which is why TV stations can 'call' elections before the votes are physically counted. I wonder if the that will happen in November?

Tony Makara

When I got up at six o'clock and put on the BBC news the first impression I got was that Obama had swept the board because the reporting was so pro-Obama, typical PC-BBC. The more I hear McCain the more he seems to be playing 'Reagan the man' with his self-effacing style, however McCain will have to come a long way to match Reagan on radical supply-side politics. This contest is certainly getting interesting, if McCain gets the nod as seems likely it might be tactically wise to chose a young running mate because the Democrats are going to look very energetic whatever their ticket.

Sally Roberts

I hope the young Misses Obama have decided what kind of dog they want!

Simon Marshall

Can't understand why the young misses Obama want Wendy Alexander

Moral minority

Alan Keyes is not running and gets 2% in the polls - weird!


And the momentum builds...



Do we think about what is really done to improve the situation in those places by the organizations that are founded to interfere where it is needed and secure the lives of innocent people? Do we engage in dialogues only when we are the ones being endangered, or do we have a conscience that says that this world is a home to us all, and every nation suffering should be given a helping hand? We should understand that if some conflicts do not effect us directly, indirectly we are all effected as a species that seems to work hard against its own survival. I found some very interesting thoughts on this subject in the book called The Age of Nepotism, you should look it up and read about current affairs in the world from the perspective of Iranian American entrepreneur traveling through the Balkans. There is also a site www.theageofnepotism.com

anti snore

The more I hear McCain the more he seems to be playing 'Reagan the man' with his self-effacing style, however McCain will have to come a long way to match Reagan on radical supply-side politics.Thanks for the very useful blog post here.

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