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Martin Wright

I liked the bulk of the speech about conservative values. Standing aside for the benefit of John McCain seems a non sequitur, since many of McCain's policies go against the conservative grain.

Romney said he was standing aside because he didn't want Republicans to be divided at a time of war.But as the Democrat race is so close and likely to continue for some while, I cannot see the harm in continuing the contest for the moment. Voters know what McCain's position is - he'd stay in Iraq for 100 years if necessary. If McCain wins the Republican race, as seems likely, voters will have plenty of time to consider this stance before the general election in November.

I don't feel at all good about McCain. While he may be the front runner amongst Republicans at the moment, I doubt that he has the greatest appeal across all voters

Tony Makara

I'm disappointed that Romney is standing down as he is the only candidate who recognizes the economic and geopolitical danger that China represents to the west. I'm not in favour of McCain but if McCain had Romney on his ticket I'd be a lot more positive.


"Standing aside for benefit of country/party".... please.

He conceded because he got annihilated, unable to win a state outside of his home two, or where he could buy caucus organisation his opponents couldn't, or where Mormons dominate primaries. This only gave him a dribble of small states, while McCain won literally all the biggies: NY, NJ, Florida, Missouri, California. What's more, he did so with all the talk show nutters screaming/ranting constantly, and with 1/10th of the ad spend in states so large that TV money is a massive advantage.

Poor candidate, with no base, and no sincerity. Did he really believe he could go from being pro-gay rights, pro-abortion, tax-raising in office to the complete opposite just a few years later? How stupid does he think the electorate is?

Donal Blaney

Having been in the room when he gave the speech too I concur with Sam's analysis. He has gone up in the estimation of many people and is well positioned either to be VP or a candidate in 2012.

Tony Makara

If Romney could find enough common ground, like beating the Democrats, they could work together on a fairly balanced ticket. Romney understands the need to strengthen the military and to address the moral decline in America which has its roots in popular media. McCain could present himself as a father figure, after all he's a very difficult character to dislike, there isn't an once of swagger about him, which certainly can't be said about Hillary or Obama. Could it be a winning ticket?


I've just watched the whole speech on Fox video player (2 parts, 20 minutes in all)

What thoroughly nasty politics you have, Mr Romney. Please don't come back.

I'm for Obama, but either Hilary or John McCain would be an improvement on this guy.


Thank you Sam. I hope you are enjoying being there.

Ron Paul Supporter

I could not vote for a liberal imperialist like McCain or a religious nutter like Huckabee. Both can get stuffed. Ron Paul must run as a third party or independent candidate. The Revolution is more important than the War Party, i.e. the GOP.

Malcolm Dunn

Sam, Romney is a politician's politician and for that reason alone I'm glad he's gone. He stood down because he knew he would lose,end of story. After all the backbiting in this campaign I'm afraid I don't believe his story about appealing for republican unity at all.

Frogg, USA

It is not likely Romney could have beat McCain; but, he sure could have drug it out and forced it to a brokered convention--denying McCain the ability to launch a national compaign quickly. In the meantime, anything could have happened. So, I think he made an honorable move by suspending. He has garnered great respect from the party for this.

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Poor candidate, with no base, and no sincerity. The Revolution is more important than the War Party, i.e. the GOP.

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Romney could find enough common ground, like beating the Democrats, they could work together on a fairly balanced ticket. Romney understands the need to strengthen the military and to address the moral decline in America which has its roots in popular media. McCain could present himself as a father figure, after all he's a very difficult character to dislike, there isn't an once of swagger about him, which certainly can't be said about Hillary or Obama.


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